Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What do we do with your information?

We will collect your personal data whenever you purchase from our online store. This could include your name, address, and email.

When you visit our site, we automatically record the IP address of your computer. This helps us understand the browser you use and your operating systems.

We\’ll send you an email to inform you about new items in the store, as well as other information.

Section 2: Consent

Does anyone know of an easier way to get my approval than to ask me?

When you provide your personal details in order to process a transaction online to purchase, verify a credit card\’s details and arrange delivery, return or exchange of an item or receive a refund, you indicate that you are in agreement with collecting and using your personal information for only this reason.

We\’ll request your permission directly, or offer you the opportunity to refuse if we need your information to fulfill a non-related need for example, marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

We may have to disclose your personal details when we are compelled by law or if you break our terms of service.


The majority of the third party service providers employing us only collect, share, and store your data for the necessary amount for the delivery of services.

Certain third-party service providers, such as payments processors and gateways, have privacy policies that define the details we have to disclose to enable the transaction to go through.

It is recommended that you read the privacy guidelines of these service providers so that you understand how your information will be utilized by them.

The providers you choose to use may not be located or have facilities which may be different from ours. When you make a purchase that requires the services of an outside service provider, the information you submit could be subject to law that applies to regions where the service provider resides or has its operations.

Section 5 Section 6.

We protect your private information by taking every precaution we have.

It is safe to know that the details of your credit card are protected by using SSL technology. Our company adheres to PCI DSS standards and follows the other requirements of industry standards.


When you access this site, you represent that you are at least the required age in the province or state in which you have residence. Or you have given the consent of minors to the use of this website.